Daycare for Sale- Buy or Lease?
Are you looking for a daycare for sale? Are you confused on whether to buy a daycare or lease a space for a daycare? Well, there is no right or wrong answer. Opening a daycare center is a huge investment. The decision to choose to lease a building or purchase a building, is dependent upon your budget.
Before you are able to determine whether you want to lease a daycare or purchase a daycare, do an analysis of your total cost. If you purchase a daycare building, you will be responsible for mortgage cost (assuming you are financing the building), as well as insurance, and monthly maintenance charges. However, in most cases the monthly payment is usually significantly lower than leasing a daycare space. If you choose to lease a building, your monthly payments could potentially be significantly higher to cover the properties NNN lease, which is the building's taxes and insurance.
Location Analysis
Making the decision to purchase a daycare means you are making a long-term commitment to the property, as well as the location. However, if you lease a building, you are only obligated to that location for the "term" of your lease. Do an in-depth location analysis to determine long-term trends that could potentially affect your daycare business such as, age of the current population, education, income, and even local schools in the area.
Congratulations on your decision to open a new daycare center! If you have more questions, or need help opening your daycare, go to our website at:
Best of Luck,
Emergent ED.