3 Steps to Choosing A Daycare Consultant
Are you interested in opening a child care center or home daycare? If you do not have experience working in the child care industry, it can be hard to know where to begin. The child care industry is a highly regulated industry in which several federal and state agencies have oversight into child care programs and this oversight is greatly needed to protect the lives of all children in care. It is imperative that you understand these laws and governing bodies to ensure you do not waste time and money trying to navigate the process on your own. A daycare mentor or consultant can help you navigate this process, and even give you options when opening your daycare center. The savings from hiring an expert are huge!
Here are 3 steps to begin when choosing to hire a daycare consultant.
Step 1: Research the consultants credentials and certifications.
Unfortunately, the internet is full of scams and people certifying themselves as experts. They may have watched a few videos on YouTube and reorganized content to make them seem legit. However, when dealing with children, most organizations should have their credentials verified by a state agency. For example, Emergent ED Child Care Consulting is an approved organization through Child Care Licensing and all trainers have been certified through TECPDS (Texas Early Childhood Professional Development System). That means, the agency has verified the years of experience, personal history, company credentials, and other pertinent information to validate the credentials of the organization. Be sure to do your due diligence, even if the person is not with an organization. Ask for resumes and background information to make a sound decision.
Step 2: Check for actual daycare experience.
Check to ensure the person who is actually consulting with you has worked in a child care program, or has owned and operated a child care program before. Be sure they have the expertise to help you open a child care business. Child care is a very unique industry. In order to be successful, you must be equipped with theory and practice. Your consultant should be able to tell you first hand what works, and what does not work.
Step 3: Ask for the contract
When you decide to obtain the services of a consultant, be sure you read through the contract to get a better understanding of what services are included in your consultation package. Ask clarifying questions if you are uncertain on some of the terms. Never into a consultation without a contract. This protects both you and the consultant.
Congratulations on your decision to open your new program! Children are in need of great child care programs. To learn more about our consultation services, visit us online at https://emergentedccc.com/collections/services